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Have Questions About Jubao? We Have Answers.
What is Jubao? Jubao是什麽?
Jubao means "collection of treasures," and that's what you'll find on the service: bingeworthy dramas, Blockbuster movies, exclusive titles including docu-series, and more, all in Chinese and at the perfect price: free!
How do I get Jubao? 要如何才可收看到Jubao?
Jubao is currently available on Plex, Xumo Play, SLING TV (included with any Chinese TV package), Sling Freestream, Xfinity, Cox Contour, and Rogers Ignite TV (in Canada).
Watch live, 24/7 on Plex. In the app, search for the Jubao channel or find it on the Guide. Find a selection of On Demand titles under Movies & Shows.
SLING TV customers can subscribe to any Chinese language package and Jubao is automatically included! If you already have a Chinese language package on SLING, find Jubao on your homescreen or via the guide.
Or you can watch Jubao TOTALLY FREE on Sling Freestream.
You can visit xumo.tv to begin streaming now, or download the Xumo Play app on your preferred device. Once installed, you can navigate to Jubao by going to On Demand > International or watch live on channel 529.
Xfinity and Contour customers can simply say "Jubao" into their Voice Remotes to be taken to Jubao on Xumo.
Jubao目前可在 Plex, XUMO, Xfinity, Cox Contour, Sling TV 上看到, Sling Freestream.
Jubao上架Plex APP 24/7直播中。现在就上Plex 搜索和收藏 Jubao 频道
SLING TV客户只要订任何中文套装, Jubao 就自动包含在内! 如果您已经有 SLING 中文套装, 请在您的主屏幕上或通过电视频道指南就可找到Jubao.
浏览xumo.tv 就可以立即看Jubao. 也可以在你爱用的设备上下载XUMO APP应用程序. 下载后,Jubao就在529 频道上直播或找寻On Demand > International
Xfinity 和 Contour 的客户可以对着语音遥控器说 “Jubao”, 就可以转到XUMO 上看Jubao.
How much does Jubao cost? 看Jubao要付費嗎?
Jubao is free! Watch and enjoy your favorite Chinese dramas and movies via the Xumo app as much and as often as you want with no monthly subscription fees necessary.
Jubao和Xumo都是免費的!在Xumo APP上看Jubao海量通吃的中文連續劇和電影,完全不用訂費哦!
Does Jubao have subtitles? Jubao有字幕嗎?
Currently, the majority of movies on Jubao have English subtitles, and all docu-series programming has them. For drama series, select titles have English subtitles with plans to add more in the future.
Which devices work with Jubao? 那些設備可以看到Jubao?
Jubao is available on any/all devices where you can find your favorite TV streaming apps, including Plex, Xumo, SLING TV, and Sling Freestream. If a device is supported, you'll find the related app in the app store.
Supported devices:
- Samsung Smart TV
- Hisense Smart TV
- Magnavox Smart TV
- Panasonic Smart TV
- Philips Smart TV
- Sanyo Smart TV
- Sharp Smart TV
- Sony and VIZIO Smart TV
- Amazon FireTV
- Android TV
- Roku
- iOS & Android
- All major web browsers
- Samsung Smart TV
- Hisense Smart TV
- Magnavox Smart TV
- Panasonic Smart TV
- Philips Smart TV
- Sanyo Smart TV
- Sharp Smart TV
- Sony and VIZIO Smart TV
- Amazon FireTV
- Android TV
- Roku
- iOS & Android
- 所有主要的網路瀏覽器
Where does Jubao programming come from? Jubao的節目來自那裏?
Jubao offers a mix of premiere entertainment content from China and Hong Kong, working in partnership with leading content producers.